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SHERPA | Citizen Engagement and Deliberative Democracy Festival (6-12 Dec 2020)
2020Dec 9
Society-Science-Policy interface to shape future rural policies | 3rd annual #EUCitizenEngagement & #DeliberativeDemocracy Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors (SHERPA) is a four-year project (2019-2023) with 17 partners funded by the Horizon 2020 programme under Grant Agreement No. 862448. It aims to gather knowledge that contributes to the formulation of recommendations for future policies relevant to EU rural areas, by creating a science-society-policy interface which provides a hub for knowledge and policy. Contact person: Oliver Chartier, Ecorys, Project Coordinator ( Authors: Enrique Nieto, AEIDL, Belgium; Lorna Dawson, SEFARI Gateway, UK; LucĂ­a Garrido, AEIDL, Belgium; Hannes Lorenzen, Forum for Synergies, Germany; Darja Majkovic, Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Slovenia; Michael Kull, Nordregio, Sweden; David Miller, James Hutton Institute, UK; Jorieke Potters, Wageningen University, Netherlands; Alexia Rouby, European Commission, DG Agri, Belgium; Elodie Salle, Ecorys, Belgium; Robin Salter, AEIDL, Belgium; Monica Tudor, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania. More information: A network of 20 Multi-Actor Platforms was created that enables citizens from 17 European countries, and 1 at EU level, co-create visions for policies relevant to the people and places of rural Europe. In 2020, the network, comprising 260 actors (50% civic society, 25% science, 25% policy) scoped, debated and formulated desired futures for their rural areas by 2040, inputting to the EU long-term vision for rural areas. The video explains how actors have become involved in the multi-actor platforms, at local and EU levels, and how they have been identifying opportunities to seize and challenges to tackle for their visions to be realised. One outcome of the process has been the creation of new networks of actors providing citizen-led insights to what rural areas aspire to be, and what can be achieved. The network of networks enables actors across the EU to exchange knowledge and good practices, with the aim of creating impacts through directly informing policy teams at EU, national and local levels. SHERPA project website: Follow the project on social media:   / ruralinterfaces     / rural-interfaces     / ruralinterfaces   The content of this video does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed therein lies entirely with the author(s).

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Rural Interfaces

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